King’s Wholesale Florists
We are the King’s Wholesale Family – a team of dedicated individuals with over 300 years of combined experience committed to providing exceptional service & the freshest product to meet your unique needs.

Bill King
ext. 121
“I started working at King’s in 1968 as the eldest S.O.B. (son of boss). Dad only fired me once when I didn’t get my hair cut. Since then working at King’s has been my only job and, as my wife would say, my only hobby.”

Paul King
President & Operations Manager
ext. 123
“As a boy I’d help unload the semitrucks at King’s. I enjoy working alongside my dad (Bill) and the family.”

Jon King
Sales Manager & Hard Good Buyer
ext. 122
“My brothers & I used to play baseball in the warehouse with a cardboard stick and wodded up ball of wax paper. My first job at King’s back in 1973 was straightening up the wax paper. Go figure!”

Rachel King Berube
Marketing & Internet Manager
ext. 130
“I started working at King’s in 1995 selling poinsettias on the side of the road at 8 years old for extra Christmas money. The Lord’s always blessed us if & when things got tough.”

Teresa Adams
ext. 132
“My first day at King’s was in 1985. I drove the trash truck to the dump on Lena Road wearing my new pair of white sandals. They sure got mucky!”

Colleen McLymond
“I applied for a driver position and was hired, but not as a driver. My first day at King’s in 2017 I was stocking paint. Later I taught my daughter (Alyssa) the same skill her first day on the job.”

Tommy Mitchell
ext. 128
“I started at King’s in 1986 as a Route Truck Salesman. I’ve since graduated to a desk & a headset.”

Tim Deemer
ext. 131
“I started working at King’s in 1982 as a Route Truck Salesman. Then I worked nights managing the night crew and drivers. After 19 years away, it sure is nice to be back home.”
Gary, Alex, Tim, Bill, William, Ken, Ronnie & Tom
Jim, Jackie & Tina